29 June 2008

A Big Thanks to Chris and a Big 30th!

I know that I am long overdue for postings. June has been a very busy and exciting month for us. However, last night was one of the best birthday celebrations i've ever had and I wanted to share it with everyone!

A very special big thanks goes out to Chris. He put together a surprise 30th B-day party for me that went above and beyond! He put so much planning, time and effort into the event and simply put... It was FABULOUS!

Apparently Chris has been planning this for weeks now and everyone (except for me) knew about the celebration. Chris got all of my friends and co-workers involved and the turnout was fantastic! Chris hired a 76 foot schooner to go out onto Sydney Harbour where 35 of our friends joined us ready to celebrate.

People brought music, cake, wine, champagne, martini's (equipped with plastic martini glasses, olives and shakers) and the boat was even decorated with balloons and Birthday signs (thanks Lucy and Laura)! Chris had the event catered with delicious food and the weather was perfection!

We sailed through the Harbour for about 4 hours and everyone had a wonderful time. I'm still in a little bit of shock! Chris truly did an amazing job pulling this together and I am so lucky to have him in my life and so grateful for all of our friends that came to celebrate with me! (We even had a special guest from Hong Kong - so glad you could make it Rachel).

Anyways, just wanted to send out a big thanks again to Chris for making this birthday a special one! Feel free to take a look at pics from the night...

Thank you also for all the birthday wishes from my friends and family everywhere!

I have a bunch of other pics and stories to tell of our wonderful travels with my parents! (I will most likely back date those postings, but expect them very soon).

12 June 2008

Sex and The City

Sex and the City opened in Sydney about a week or so after it opened in NY. A colleague of mine decided to rent out a movie theatre, invite about 50 girls (and one man), hire a bartender, pop open some champagne and watch the movie that every girl has been waiting 4 years for! For those of you who watched the series, the last episode was epic. It may have been the best "finale" of a series i've ever seen. Well, this left the writers and the 4 ladies a lot to live upto...

I won't ruin anything for those of you who haven't seen the movie, but I must say that it certainly lived up to my expectations. The movie was emotional, funny, sad and true to life! After the movie, a group of us went out and continued to drink champagne, cosmopolitans and of course a bottle of wine I found called "Bitch"! (Very appropriate!)

I will give the movie 5 stars... Now I want to hear from you!!! You can vote on how many stars you think the movie deserved! (See left and top side of blog to vote).

P.S. The one man who attended the show with us was genius. He was straight, single and in a room with 50 emotional women! GENIUS!

9 June 2008

Meet Jimmy the Jeep

Chris and I decided that it was time for us to get a car to allow us to get around more freely in Sydney. We have a parking spot in our building and our friends literally live all over the city. (Not to mention, public transportation costs about as much as owning a car!) Go figure.

This all came about because my manager's brother is moving to Zurich, so he was looking to sell his car. Chris and I went to test drive it on Saturday and we are now the proud owners of "Jimmy the Jeep". (The previous owners son who is 10 named it.) It had a ring to it and the name just stuck!

We officially own a car with the steering wheel on the RIGHT side of the car. How weird!!!

Luckily, the car is here just in time for my parents to arrive on Saturday, so Chris and I will be picking them up at the airport. Can't wait to see you Mom and Dad!!!