5 January 2008

Last Day in San Francisco... First Day in Sydney, Australia

Last Night in SF and First Day in Sydney...


Anonymous said...

Marcy and Chris,
I'm glad you made it and are already exploring! Sounds like everything has gone spotlessly. Yay! I will definitely be down to visit - I may even try to come in March as I have another friend going to sydney for a few days.

Welcome to the other side!!


Anonymous said...

g'day, mates!
how is day three (or is it four there?) I hope marcy is feeling better today. my hard drive is repaired and will be re-installed shortly - turns out is was nothing too serious.....back to normal soon!
happy monday!

Anonymous said...

looks like you guys are having a great adventure already! We miss you... the west coast randalls

Anonymous said...

It seems as if you're having the most amazing time. It's not like you're in a far away country...you're seeing so many people you know.

Have fun and keep blogging!!!!